Frequency Raising™

Changing the world by changing ourselves.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe
think in terms of
energy, frequency, vibration.”
~ Nikola Tesla

Formerly, this work has expanded from introducing and weaving the light in all aspects of consciousness to raising the frequency in all aspects of our consciousness, hence the name change to frequency raising.

What is frequency raising?

How can I change my life and change the world?

What kind of results I can expect?

Frequency raising is changing the vibration of something from a lower often more dense or negative state to a higher, more positive vibrational state. This applies to people, things, practices, organizations, institutions, and ideologies.

Changing your life first comes first through awareness; a desire to change, and application of different thoughts, processes, and modalities so your inner changes become reflected outwardly in the world around you. Find out more.

Successfully raising your frequency can result in increased health and vitality; greater emotional stability, receptivity and response;  a positive outlook on life; greater self-empowerment; and a greater connection to the planet, to one’s higher self, and to Source.


 Learn more.

“When there’s trauma in your drama

shift the tragic to magic!”

~ St. Germain


Who is Catherine Ann Clemett?

  • Author
  • Channel
  • Healer
  • Spiritual Teacher
  • Workshop Leader
  • Tour Leader

Free Ebook

Every one of you is born with a unique brilliance. It is just part of your divine gift that is so naturally a part of you, that you don’t even think twice about it. It is a particular lens that you express just by being. Even though others; your family, friends, co-workers and even strangers may be subconsciously aware of this quality or characteristic you portray, you may be the last one to know that you carry or manifest this particular quality. Find out more about this innate divine gift in the Free Ebook.

Click the link below to access your free Ebook. Go through the checkout process entering payment information although no money will be deducted since it is free. On your payment confirmation page you need to click on the “Soul Purpose Claim Your Unique Brilliance” to start your download. Access the Ebook in you download folder.

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