My Gift Access

"We are currently in intense times of transformation and transition; challenging with the swift deterioration and collapse of many structures, institutions and social protocols of life as we have known it, but also magical; life pregnant with possibilities moving forward into new directions, new understanding and new arenas. How it all ultimately plays out is impacted by our choices as individuals, as communities and as nations."

From "Soulweaving,
Return to the Heart of the Mother"
By Catherine Ann Clemett

M. Y. G. I. F. T. A. C. C. E. S. S.

This acronym initially came from downloads I received while working on my “Soulweaving, Return to the Heart of the Mother” book. This book came about as a result of an experience I had while exiting a row of the auditorium during the first Humanities Team Conference of Neale Donald Walsch. Suddenly I was stopped in my tracks feeling like I was paralyzed unable to move for about 30 seconds. In those 30 seconds I received an absolute download that I would be writing a book. Once this download “landed” within me I was released from this paralytic state and could continue exiting the auditorium row. This was a total surprise to me. I was a dancer, not a writer. What on earth could I write about?

I went within and asked my Councils of Light what I was to write. They responded with “Write what you know.” My response was, “Well what do I know?” I just started with opening a Word document and recording what I was contemplating at the moment which was gratitude. I turned within and asked my Councils of Light to download to me the higher understanding of what gratitude is. This is the question I asked. “Talk to me about gratitude. I want to understand the deeper relevant meaning of Gratitude and how it works in our lives. How does it assist us in creating the New Earth?” (Pg. 87 of “Soulweaving, Return to the Heart of the Mother”)

This started the series of downloads I received over the next almost ten years as I contemplated these different subjects. For each one I turned to my Councils of Light within and asked for the higher dimension understanding of that word or concept. I thought it was complete after receiving ten downloads. As I was getting ready to pull my manuscript together to my utter surprise two more came in. Then my guides directed me to “shuffle” them and change the order in which they were downloaded to me. When I did so I was astonished to discover that they spelled the acronym “My Gift Access”. This mandala of twelve tools, I call it, serve as a guide helping us to know how we can shift from the old paradigm of corruption, division, competition, greed, heirarchy, and manipulation based on lies to the paradigm of the New Earth. It offers incremental steps in how we can once again come from a foundation of truth, self-empowerment, and having a voice that matters. The twelve-tool mandala keys are listed below.

  • MAGIC – Magic Stimulates Reawakening
  • YES – Yes Gives Permission to the Universe
  • GRATITUDE – Gratitude is the Conduit of Greatness
  • INTENTION – Intention is the Key to Deliberate Creation
  • FORGIVENESS – Freedom Comes from Forgiveness
  • TRANSMUTATION – Transmutation Turns the Tide
  • ASKING – Asking Gives You Multidimensional Access
  • CHOOSING – Choosing is the Doorway to Self-Empowerment
  • CELEBRATING – Celebration Expands the Fullness of Life
  • ENVISIONING – Envisioning is the Key to Manifesting Your Reality
  • SHOWING UP – Destiny is Showing Up to Your Soul’s Plan
  • SHARING  – The Key to Love Is Sharing Your Light

I am currently working on a course I plan to offer in 2023 ” My Gift Access” –  A Guide to Accessing and Sharing the Gift of Your Unique Frequency. To say up-to-date and apprised of these events, courses, and book please make sure you sign up to my Newsletter and Email list if you aren’t already signed up. You can sign up here.